


2 year-olds

We have a number of places for 2-year-olds who are eligible for:

  • The government's Funding for 2's (If you are eligible you should receive a letter just before your child's 2nd birthday, but if you haven't you can check online at )
  • (From April 2024) Working Parent's 15 hours for 2's (To find out if you are eligible please visit the government's Child Care Choices website.)
  • those who want to pay for a place for your 2 year old.

To get onto the waiting list for a place please fill out an application form and bring it into nursery – Printable PDF link on this page. We need to see proof of date of birth and proof of address when you bring the form in to Nursery.  We will then get in contact you when there is a place available for your child.

The sessions we currently offer for 2 year-olds are

Mornings: Mon - Fri 9:00 - 12:00

Afternoons: Mon-Fri 12:30 - 15:30

 3-4 Year-olds

Currently, all 3 & 4 year olds are entitled to 15 hours per week of government funded education/childcare during term time starting from the term after their 3rd birthday. 

Children of working parents may be eligible for an additional 15 hours a week (30 hours free entitlement).  To find out if you are eligible please visit the government's Child Care Choices website.

From September 2023 we will offer places as follows for 3-4 year olds:

15 Hours:  Morning sessions: Mon-Fri 9.00 - 12.00

                   Afternoon sessions: Mon-Fri 12.30 - 15.30

30 Hours:  Mon-Fri 9.00 - 3.30

Our 30 Hour offer will be from 9 - 3:30 with a half an hour chargeable lunch session. Our current price for that half an hour is £3.25 per day, which is £16.25 per week


Early Start: We offer an early start session from 08:30 - 09:00 at a charge of £3.25 per session 

 Children with additional needs

Our nursery staff are very experienced in the care and education of children with additional needs.  To ensure that we can offer a safe and secure environment it may mean we have to wait for the recruitment of new staff to enable your child to have a 1:1, which could lead to a delay in their admission.  If you have any questions regarding this, please do get in touch with Claire Palmer, our SENCO, who can be contacted via the school office.

 More information can be found on our SEND page - SEND at Huntingdon Nursery School

Admission Policy

To read our admissions policies, including over-subscription criteria please see the link below.

Printable Application Form

Please print off the application form (PDF) from the link above and complete it. Bring it along to Nursery with some form of identification for your child (something that states their date of birth) this is usually their birth certificate, but it can be a passport or NHS card, and a proof of your address (e.g. utility bill). If anything is unclear on this form please ring the Nursery and we will be happy to help.

ICT Education
Healthy Schools - Cambridgeshire