Prevent Duty

The Prevent Duty
PREVENT is the term used for government initiatives planned to reduce the risk to vulnerable adults/young people and children of becoming radicalised. All institutions have a duty to protect children/young adults from risk of harm, one of the risks is that of becoming radicalised.
At Huntingdon Nursery School the PREVENT lead member of staff is : Claire Palmer
The Nursery has a PREVENT ACTION PLAN in place (September2015)
WRAP (workshop to raise awareness of PREVENT) training was attended by the PREVENT lead member of staff on Friday 11th September 2015
All governors, and Nursery Staff have attended WRAP training – disseminated by the PREVENT lead member of staff in the first half of the Autumn term 2015.
Staff are aware of how ‘ PREVENT work’ links into our schools duty to Safeguard, our policies and procedure. All staff have updated copies of – Keeping Children Safe in Education
Staff are aware of the procedures to make referrals to the CHANNEL panel.
Below you can read how we apply the five strands of British Values in Nursery.
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Healthy Schools - Cambridgeshire