Consultation on Proposal to Federate

Our School

Consultation on Proposal to Federate

Proposed Federation of
Huntingdon Nursery & Huntingdon Primary School

Over recent months, the Governing Board of Huntingdon Nursery School and the Governing Body of Huntingdon Primary School have been exploring the option of entering a formal partnership called a Federation. 

Attached is the information for the full statutory consultation process which will commence on Tuesday 17th September and last for six weeks. Consultation closes on the 5th November.

We would like to invite you to a parent meeting to find out more and ask questions. This will help you to respond to the idea before the consultation period closes.

Parent consultation meeting Tuesday 15th October 11 – 12 and 14:30 – 16:30

Please ask questions and give your opinions on the proposal.

Generic Ofsted Outstanding
ICT Education
Healthy Schools - Cambridgeshire